Five Factors to Consider when Buying a Truck

Buying a commercial truck is a significant business investment. If you have bought a personal car before, the process is quite similar, but the features to look at are different. Trucks are meant to travel long distances with heavy loads, making them different from passenger vehicles.

There are legal and technical factors that affect a trucks’ value, and a buyer should be aware of them in order to make the right choice.

If you buy a truck in bad condition, it will not serve your purposes, and worse, it might cause an accident. The last thing you want is a call from a Columbia truck accident lawyer accusing you of causing injuries to their client.

To avoid the frustrations and losses that come with buying a truck in poor condition, consider the factors below:

What Are the Factors to Consider when Buying a Truck?

1. Function

Why are you buying a truck? We know that trucks are used to transport goods from one location to the other over long distances. But what type of goods will you be transporting? The answer to this question will help you narrow down the specifications of the truck.

For instance, if you are in the perishables business, you need a refrigerated truck. If you deal with common goods, you should get a truck that can handle different cargo types. Knowing the purpose of the truck is the first step to the right choice.

2. Financing

What is your budget, and how are you planning to pay for the truck? Consider the available payment options like cash, leasing, and credit, and make the right choice.

Irrespective of the payment option you choose, stick to your budget. It helps you avoid overspending. Simply because you can qualify for a big loan doesn’t mean that it’s the best option for you.

3. Size

Its purpose determines the size of the truck. The worst mistake you can make is buying a truck too small for your business. You should not get an extra big one because you will be investing in something you do not need.

You should also consider the cabin size. How many passengers can the cabin accommodate? For long-distance deliveries, you need several drivers, and the cabin should be able to accommodate them. Note that the size of the cabin affects the length of the truck’s bed for some manufacturers.

4. Insurance Changes

The insurance premiums of commercial vehicles are higher because of the higher risks involved. Consult with your insurance company before the purchase to see if you can afford the premiums.

Operating a truck without proper insurance coverage could be the end of your business in case of an accident. If you cannot afford the premiums, you cannot afford the truck.

5. Spare Parts

It would be best if you serviced the truck after every long-distance trip. You will need to change the tires and other essential parts before the next trip.

If the spare parts are costly or not locally available, it won’t be easy to operate the truck. Always check spare parts availability and affordability with the dealer or manufacturer you are purchasing from.

Make the Right Choice

Buying a truck is a costly but significant investment for your business. You need to look at the factors above to make the right choice.

For your truck to serve you well and last long, you must take care of it. Service after every trip and hire qualified drivers. If you do not maintain your truck as required, it will soon become a liability.

Here’s What to Do If You Are Injured While Working on a Farm

The agriculture and food sector is among the largest industries in the country. Besides feeding the nation, farming contributes billions of dollars to the US GDP (gross domestic product) through exportation, taxation, and employment.

The farming industry alone employs over 2.5 million direct on-farm workers on both full- and part-time basis.

Unfortunately, farming is also attributed to a majority of occupational diseases, injuries, and deaths. If you work on a farm, you are constantly exposed to potential injuries and illnesses by hazards like farm equipment and chemicals. As such, it’s important to understand what to do in case you sustain an injury or illness while working on a farm.

Common Accidents and Injuries on a Farm


  • Inhaling Toxic Pesticides and Other Chemicals: Farm owners are required to provide proper protective equipment for farmworkers using toxic pesticides and other substances. Long-term exposure to these chemicals can cause significant damage to the respiratory system.
  • Tractor Overturns: These accidents are mostly caused by lack of vehicle maintenance, old tractors with ill equipped safety features, and driver errors. Injuries may result in broken bones, neck pain, and even fatalities.
  • Animal-Related Injuries: Animal injuries are common on farms that practice intensive animal farming. Examples include attacks by a violent bull or dog bites.
  • Falls: Farmworkers can fall from high heights such as storage units or a tractor. Injuries from a fall can range from minor sprains to broken bones that might cause permanent disability. 
  • Delayed Injuries: Not all farm injuries are evident at the moment they occur. Some develop over time due to continuous strain or repetitive motions. Delayed injuries might be difficult to prove as occupational.


Seeking Compensation for Farm Injuries

The first thing you should do after sustaining a farm injury is to report the incident to your employer. In some states, including California, agricultural workers have the same right to workers compensation as factory or blue-collar employees. This makes it mandatory for farm owners to purchase the coverage for all employees.

If your employer does not have workers comp, you can lodge a personal injury lawsuit against them. You can also file a claim to hold other liable third parties accountable such as an equipment operator or manufacturer, even after collecting work comp benefits.

Let’s look at each of these compensation options in detail:

Workers Compensation

Workers compensation is a type of insurance policy employers purchase to protect employees who suffer injuries while on the job, regardless of who caused the accident. This coverage also exempts employers from being sued by an injured worker who has collected their compensation. 

After reporting a farm injury, your employer will provide you with a form to begin the compensation process. If your claim is successful, you’ll start receiving benefits which include health care bills, retraining costs, survivor benefits in case of a fatality, and lost wages, which is usually two-thirds of your salary.

The farm owner’s insurer might fail to approve your workers compensation claim if you were:

  • Committing a crime when the injury happened.
  • On a lunch or coffee break.
  • Intoxicated at work.

However, the policy does not compensate for non-economic damages such as pain and emotional suffering. This is why you might want to consider pursuing compensation from other possible liable parties with the help of a law firm in San Diego.

Can I Sue My Employer after a Farm Injury?

If your employer does not have workers comp insurance, you may be wondering who’ll pay for your injuries and other losses. Victims of occupational injuries are allowed to file a civil lawsuit against their employer if:

  • Your employer has not purchased workers compensation.
  • The insurance company has denied your workers comp claim in bad faith.
  • The employer caused your injury intentionally or through gross negligence.
  • The equipment or product that caused your injuries was manufactured by your employer.
  • Independent farm contractors can also sue their employer because most are not covered by workers compensation.

Pursuing compensation for farm injuries from your employer can be an uphill battle, especially because they might be uninsured or have tough legal representation. Your best bet to getting full compensation might be to hire a personal injury attorney.

Suing a Negligent Co-Worker 

A farm accident can also occur due to another employee’s negligence, such as an equipment operator or tractor driver. Suing an employer can be straightforward, but what about a coworker? Can you file an injury lawsuit against a fellow employee after collecting work comp benefits?

It’s unlikely you can collect compensation from a coworker even if they caused the accident. Employers assume the responsibility of their employees while they’re acting within the scope of their job. Ensure to check your state laws or consider getting an attorney to evaluate your case and advise you accordingly.

If you can prove gross negligence or if the at-fault party is an independent contractor, you might qualify to file an injury claim.

Product Manufacturer 

In some cases, defective equipment or vehicle parts can cause a farm injury. If this happens, you’ll likely be filing a product liability lawsuit against the product manufacturer, designer, or seller.

For a successful claim, you have to prove the defect, and that it caused your injuries. Equipment manufacturers are usually big corporations who are not ready to accept liability because it’s likely to tarnish their brand and plummet sales. 

Therefore, you might need a personal injury lawyer who has your best interests at heart and understands the tricks used by insurers to deny or minimize your settlement.

Tips to Maximize Your Compensation

If the circumstances of your case qualify you to file a personal injury claim, here are a few things you can do to maximize your farm injury compensation.

  • Notify your employer immediately after the accident.
  • Seek medical evaluation either from a personal or company doctor. 
  • Talk to coworkers who were present when the accident happened and request to record their statements.
  • Preserve evidence by taking pictures of the accident scene, injuries, and documenting any other relevant information.
  • Seek legal advice from an injury attorney. 

7 Ways Your Law Firm Can Go Green

Suppose you’re reading this, and you are a lawyer. In that case, chances are, you presumably drive to work, work in a well-lit room on a computer that creates loads of paper, and flies to meetings and conferences on occasion, right? Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere due to these seemingly harmless activities. 

For this reason, many law firms are becoming increasingly focused on how to lessen their ecological impact in a world where environmental awareness is becoming increasingly important.

Going green isn’t only about being environmentally conscious; it may also help you save money in the long run. According to statistics, energy accounts for 30% of a typical law office building’s operating expenditures, and it is the single highest controllable operating expense. This is why most law firms these days, like Monge and Associates, are going the eco-friendly way. And you should, too. Here’s how:

How Can Your Law Firm Go Green?

1. Embrace Technology

Don’t fall into the trap of being a typical law firm with a mountain of paperwork. We live in a digital age, which means that having a digital bank of things is a terrific way to go paperless. This includes contracts, paperwork, and anything else that isn’t legally required to be printed.

Encourage emailing as well. When it comes to legal matters, we understand how difficult it may be to break free from the comfort of writing actual letters. Emailing is a safe and paperless way to send out communications thanks to features like encryption coding.

2. Recycle and Renovate

This step is a little more expensive, but it might save you a lot of money in the long run. If you’re renovating your company’s workplace, consider the following things: 

  • Windows that let in natural light while also being reinforced to prevent energy leaks
  • A recycling water system with energy-saving features
  • Insulation, furniture and décor, and flooring made from recycled or sustainable materials

In addition, recycling should not only just involve recycling old documents in a confidential waste receptacle, but also your regular garbage. To ensure that your contribution to landfills is decreased, get a general recycling bin and a food waste bin.

3. Reduce the Usage of Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics can take over 1,000 years to biodegrade and emit harmful gases into the atmosphere when melted. Therefore, use some simple solutions to eliminate single-use plastics in the workplace, such as imposing a ban on bottled water or bringing in a chemical-free reusable bottle/coffee cup.

Another option is to provide a workplace communal kitchen area, allowing workers to share glasses, mugs, silverware, and plates.

4. Evaluate Your Materials

Examine your office supplies, including stationery, filing products, equipment, furniture, and technology. Check to see if regularly consumed items can be replaced with sustainable sources, recycled materials, or even something recyclable in and of itself.

5. Incorporating Sustainable Travel 

For legal firms, sustainable travel encompasses a wide range of activities. Some of these include: replacing face-to-face contact with video or teleconferencing as an alternative to travel, travel blending by combining meetings into one trip to reduce the frequency of business travel and better time management, and finally, encouraging employees to use efficient travel modes.

6. Involvement of Staff

Employees are already exerting pressure on their companies over environmental policies. They increasingly consider it crucial to work for a company that is actively reducing its carbon emissions.

As a result, running things like awareness campaigns and identifying green champions is always an excellent idea. Because you’ll not only be mobilizing employees’ benefits on climate change, but you’ll also be lowering expenses, increasing employee morale, and improving recruitment and retention.

7. Establishment of a Green Policy

A green policy can result in saving costs, such as lower energy bills and zero waste. Simple things like using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off all electronics and lights when not in use can help you save money and energy. Creating a framework for new initiatives such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and distribution cost reduction can guide all staff.

Go Green or Go Home

With the above suggestions in place, you may actually go green in a variety of ways. This will significantly reduce your overall impact on the environment, allowing each member of your law firm to feel as if they are making a difference. This can also become a source of pride; it is something you can brag about to future clients, demonstrating your concern for the environment.


Top 4 Tips on Getting the Most out of Your Personal Injury Claim

If you are seeking compensation after suffering from an accident due to someone else’s fault, it’s only fair that you get the reimbursement you deserve. For this to happen, you need to go to all lengths to ensure you win the case.


To better your winning chances, you have to be well prepared for the case. It is not recommended to leave the case in the insurance company’s hands, since they may not always have your best interests first. The best thing to do would be to get a personal injury lawyer; this is because you have a better chance of winning with a good law representative from a law organization like Louthian Law Firm by your side.

What Are the Probabilities of Winning a Personal Injury Case?

Two things that accident victims tend to wonder about are whether there are solid grounds for filing a claim and what chances they have in winning a personal injury claim.


After you file a claim, the biggest challenge will be establishing a strong case to promote your account about the incident and highlighting why you deserve compensation.

How to Get the Most out of Your Claim

The insurance providers will not be glad to hand you money; therefore, you might face many queries from their representatives. They may even try to dig into your medical history to find out if you have a previous related injury so they can diminish your claim. Therefore you need to put in place a practical scheme: 

1. Establish the Settlement Amount You Expect to Get

Go through the events and over your loss records and determine the amount of compensation you require. Choose a significant amount that you know will be useful; ensure you already know how much you want before even speaking to insurance adjusters, stick to it, and don’t settle for less. 

2. Present Well-Detailed Medical Records

You have to prove that you have been injured from the accident for you to receive any reimbursement. When seeking medical help, the medics will document everything you say about how you feel and the amount of damage and pain you are going through. Hence, you should let your doctor know about every injury you’ve suffered, every body part that hurts, and any movements affected that you feel will compromise your work or lifestyle. The diagnosis that your doctor gives is what carries the most value for your claim.


Also, ensure you go through with all treatment programs prescribed by your doctors.

3. Refrain from Social Media

Keep from posting anything on social media until the case is over and settled. Whatever you share might be used against you in court. If you post photos of yourself at the club or on the beach, you may reduce your claim’s value. 

4. Avoid Settling Too Fast

You need not be eager to take the first offer you get because settling for less may leave you suffering more damages in the future. You need to demand full compensation, for future and present bills, to ensure you can cater for any unexpected surgeries.


Your personal injury lawyer will help you ensure you get the maximum compensation from your claim.

When Push Comes to Shove 

In the end, all you need to do is ensure you’re looking out for your best interests because no one else will. Remember to be prepared and patient.


5 Tips on How to Spot a Good Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a car accident and need a car accident attorney to help you pursue your claim, don’t think twice about it. A lawyer is necessary to assist you in collecting evidence, strengthening your case, providing legal advice, and filing paperwork for you to get a fair settlement.


However, don’t trust just any car accident attorney to follow up on your claim. Legal procedures are sensitive. It would help if you looked into several things to ensure that you hire the right lawyer to handle your car accident claim.

When Should You Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

An attorney will represent your claim in these situations, when your car has suffered significant damage or when you have been injured. Don’t take the risk of working through your compensation claim without a lawyer. 


If the other person caused the accident, you have the right to recover your losses. The right lawyer will ensure that your best interest is met through negotiations with the defendant’s insurance company.

How to Spot a Good Car Accident Attorney

1. Willingness to Provide References

A lawyer with a good reputation will not be in two minds when you request to talk to some clients they have dealt with to collect feedback. The attorney will be assertive to provide you with referrals; therefore, keep off any lawyer that tends to delay when you ask about the people they have attended to before you.

2. Experience

An attorney with a lot of experience knows the ins-and-outs of the law and will barely let you down in your case. Check keenly into the kind of issues they have fought through to determine if that is the kind of experience you want. Be sure that they have also been keeping track of cases they have handled and won.

3. Clear Communication

A professional lawyer has a good business relationship with the clients. They will genuinely be interested in your case and help you understand step by step what is going to come off during and after the claim. You should ask questions and define your goals clearly to inform your lawyer what you are after. If you have met a lawyer who can barely take you through their insight, it is not worth the risk. Hold back until you get a professional who is straightforward in their dealing.

4. Organized Office Space

Observe how tidy their workspace is, either physical office space or their online website. Check into their organization to help you predict the level of reliability to expect. Be keen on how their staff work and the reviews they receive internally and externally. Don’t miss out on the right lawyer while you are busy looking for a quick settlement.

5. Handles Insurance Companies Skillfully

Insurances bid the least amount they are willing to lose. A good car accident lawyer will spot these law balls and negotiate with the insurance company for a better settlement. Suppose the insurance company disagrees with the plaintiff, the lawyer can proceed with the case to the court for a third party to intercede into the hearing and instruct the defendant to give a presentable compensation. 

A Good Reputation Signals a Good Fight

Pick a lawyer with a great review, and positive feedback from the referrals is a win for you. A good reputation assures you that you have to worry the least about losing the case. Pick an experienced attorney with a record of cases fought well to secure a fair settlement.


How to Be Confident When Attending Parties

It’s not always easy to feel confident when you’re around other people. You might even start shaking if you’re at a big party and you don’t know anyone. Here are some tips to make you feel good when attending a special event.

Choose your best clothes

You will feel more confident if you look fantastic. Find your best clothes in the closet. You can also prepare months ahead if you got an invitation. While you’re spending money, you might consider building a fitted wardrobe. It drastically improves your bedroom. It’s also easier to find the clothes you want to wear each day. You will enjoy dressing up, and finding the perfect attire for the party won’t be difficult.

Determine conversation starters

Another way to feel more confident when invited to a big event is to have a conversation starter. Sometimes, it only feels awkward in the beginning. Once you already got the conversation going, things will be easier. Look for topics that you’re familiar with. When asked, you can respond confidently and with substance. Avoid opening divisive issues like politics and religion. You want to start a conversation but not a heated one. You can also show your personality based on how you carry the discussion. It makes you more impressive in the eyes of other guests.


Think that it’s not about you

If you’re still worried about not looking good or not feeling prepared for the event, know that it’s not about you. There’s a special occasion, and you’re there as a guest. Even if you feel like everyone is looking at you, no one really does. Guests are busy celebrating with the person who invited them. If not, they’re also thinking about how good they look.

Talk to people you know

The first thing you can do as soon as you enter the room is to look for someone you know. It makes you feel more confident to join the event. However, you should also try to put yourself in a comfortable position. Look for another person who can talk to you. It’s time to make friends or expand your professional network.

Enjoy the moment 

You might not have another opportunity to receive an invitation to a big event. While you’re there, make the most of it. Besides, you were special enough to receive an invitation. Being present and active is a way to show gratitude to the person who invited you.

Don’t refuse invitations again 

Your initial reaction when receiving an invitation is to say no. You don’t wish to put yourself in a difficult spot. However, if you already see the value of being in big events, you should say yes. It’s a chance to improve your social skills and be more confident.

If you receive more invitations in the future, you won’t feel bothered anymore. Show up to the event and enjoy it. If something wrong happens, use it as a learning experience. Next time, avoid doing it, and the celebration becomes more meaningful.



Why Are Online Vets so Popular?

In the wake of online doctor services becoming more widely available and giving people less stressful, first-touch access to the health service, similar services are becoming available for pets!


Today we’re taking a look at why these services are so popular, so you can decide if they’d help you take better care of your pet.


Drawbacks of a Conventional Vet


Vets provide an urgent and vital service for you and your pets, but getting there can be a stressful, upsetting or even expensive experience. Some animals can be strongly resistant to being put in a carrier or a car – cats or dogs, for example are very sensitive to your mood, to disruptions in their routine and environment, and anxious of future pain and discomfort. All that adds up distress if they start to suspect being confined to a carrier and taken to the vet is in their future.


Using an online vet negates all the stress of the conventional vet – your pet can be examined in its own home, unintrusively, in an environment where it feels safe, but still with all the expertise of a registered vet.




If you’re panicking about your pet’s health in the wake of an accident or the onset of worrying symptoms, then you don’t want to be searching on your phone for a “24 hour vet near me”. You need answers quickly.


An online vet can get you those answers fast, without you having to leave you home, or search for any other services.


Even for less urgent enquiries, being able to get a trained vet’s opinion at time of your choosing and convenience is a huge advantage in the midst of a busy life.




There are some drawbacks to using an online vet – their limitations. Your online vet can’t currently completely replace a physical vet’s practice because they simply aren’t there in the room and some kinds of examination aren’t possible. They can’t perform blood tests, they might not be able to take an accurate weight, they can hold your pet and look at it close up. They also can’t prescribe medication. These all limit how effective an online vet can be.




Perhaps the best use of an online vet is as triage: if you’re not sure whether you need to get your pet to the vet – and subject them to the stress of the trip – then an online vet could be the perfect answer. They can give you an early indication of what might be wrong, advise if you’re able to care for your pet at home, and most importantly, confirm whether you really need to get your pet to the vet’s practice for more tests, medication and expert care.

Recipes Popular with Truck Drivers

It’s no secret that truck driving is a difficult job. The last thing that any truck driver would want after an incredibly long day (and most of them are) is to try out a complicated recipe using only the simple equipment in their relatively tiny cabs. It’s for this reason that the vast majority of truck dashboards are littered with different fast-food wrappers. Although these fast foods are always convenient for such a hectic job, you cannot deny that they are quite unhealthy. 

Due to the tradition of feeding on fast foods only, close to 70% of truckers are always overweight! Remember that accidents caused by truck drivers are a result of fatigue, negligence, and to some extent, faulty equipment. While accidents are unavoidable, you can always rely on a truck accident attorney whenever you find yourself in an unfortunate circumstance. Although unhealthy eating is not the leading cause of truck accidents, eating a healthy meal can go a long way in preventing different diseases that can otherwise make a driver cause an accident.

This article will detail some favorite recipes that truckers are fond of today. It’s worth noting that these recipes give a sense of comfort and a healthy body when consumed by truckers. Without much ado, let’s take a look at some of these recipes. 

Chicken Fajitas

Truck drivers always opt for recipes that are not only delicious but quick to make. Chicken Fajitas is one of the most favored recipes by truckers due to two main reasons. For starters, Chicken Fajitas is considered to be a quick meal to prepare, and for a good reason. All a trucker needs is a precooked chicken and an electric skillet to make this meal. Secondly, Chicken Fajitas includes all the necessary nutrients such as vitamins, carbohydrates, and chicken proteins.


  • 30 ml of vegetable oil
  • Thinly sliced onions
  • Fully cooked chicken strips/chicken breasts
  • Yellow pepper
  • Water
  • Tortillas

Chicken Teriyaki

One of the most crucial cooking equipment found in a trucker’s cab is a portable BBQ. Ideally, this equipment, just like any other cooking equipment, is small enough to perfectly fit in a truckers jump box. The BBQ grill is ideal for making a sumptuous Chicken Teriyaki. 


  • Chicken breast
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • Lemon juice
  • Fresh minced garlic
  • Sesame oil

Taco Lasagna

Unlike other food recipes on this list, the Taco lasagna is unique in many ways. First, the Taco Lasagna is a quick combination of both the normal Taco and Lasagna. Secondly, it is a make-at-home meal that freezes well, and truckers can easily reheat it in a microwave. Apart from the fact that this meal is quite comfortable and easy to make, Taco Lasagna is highly nutritious and ideal for truck drivers.


  • Lean ground meat
  • Taco seasoning mix 
  • Minced garlic cloves
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Chilli powder
  • Water
  • Corn tortillas
  • Jar salsa
  • Onions
  • Shredded cheese
  • Sour cream

In a Nutshell

Truck driving, just like many other jobs, can be quite daunting. Not only do truck drivers have to sustain long driving hours in only conditions, but driving for days or even weeks can drain your energy away. Therefore, eating a healthy diet is always essential. However, truckers have been known to consume fast foods that are quite toxic and unhealthy. Luckily, today’s truckers are accepting the reality that not only are fast foods unhealthy, but they are also expensive in the long run.

Truckers have adopted several recipes that are not only quick and easy to prepare, but are also highly nutritious as well. After all, a nicely cooked meal is a great way to feel at home and do away with the stress that comes with long-distance driving.

Coping After a Loved One’s Fatal Accident

No words can describe the loss of a loved one. It is even worse if it is from a wrongful death because it is often unexpected and involves anger towards the at-fault party. 

When you lose a loved one in a fatal accident, the primary emotion that you will be feeling is grief. 

There are five stages of grief, as detailed by famous psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Understanding these phases is important so that you know what to expect as the days pass by. This also helps people to know that their journey and feelings are completely normal.

Five Stages of Grief

1. Denial

Denial is a common defense mechanism for all losses and puts a shield between a person and the overwhelming feelings caused by the situation. In a loved one’s fatal accident, for instance, one might convince themselves that the other person is just away and will return.

During this period, the grief and sorrow are not intense because the mind has chosen to actively deny the loss. As this stage advances and denial wears off, the pain kicks in and leads to lots of anger.  

2. Anger

As you begin to see the reality clearly, you may feel angry at a lot of things. Anger masks our feelings. Where there are emotions like pain, hurt, sorrow, helplessness, and so on, a person who just lost a loved one will redirect these through anger.

This anger can be directed towards an object or person who, in logical terms, is not to blame for the loss. It is also possible to see the detrimental effects of this anger towards people on the receiving end, but the emotions can be so intense that it supersedes rational thinking.   

3. Bargaining

Bargaining after the loss of a loved one may feel something like, “If only I had accompanied him, he would not be involved in the accident.” These bargains are the brain’s normal reaction to the consequent feelings of vulnerability and helplessness after losing a loved one. 

Sometimes, bargaining is accompanied by guilt. The victim feels like they could have done something to prevent the death. 


4. Depression

This form of depression is dominated by feelings of regret, sadness, and sorrow. The process can feel quiet and subtle, but it can also be fraught with confusion and heavy emotions. 

A grieving person might worry about the overall cost of a funeral, other victims of the loss such as children, or the reality of having to say a final goodbye. 

5. Acceptance

In this stage, the victim has come to terms with never having to see their loved one again. This does not necessarily indicate happiness or relief. 

Accepting a loss and coming to terms with your new state of life, however, can help you move on and even help other people sharing your loss.

Seeking Help from a Grief Counselor

Grief manifests in different ways. Some people can go through the process with minimal support from friends and family. This is entirely normal and you should not feel guilty for handling your grief as such.

However, the same feelings can overwhelm other people, that they interrupt their lives in major ways. If you are feeling overpowered by grief, consider talking to a grief counselor. Besides helping you cope with these feelings, a counselor can help you move on after a loss.

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim 

Understandably, seeking compensation for a loved one’s death can be the last thing on your mind. You might even feel guilty for thinking about finances at such a time.

However, it is alright and even recommended to begin the process of filing a wrongful death lawsuit as early as possible. Hiring an attorney for this will relieve you from all the legal back and forths so that you have time to properly mourn your loved one.



For Corporate Banking Employees, Working from Home Will Likely Continue Through 2021

A couple of months before the World Health Organization formally declared the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to be a pandemic issue, corporate banking departments at major institutions were trying to figure out how they could better manage growth during a challenging time for debt origination, equity deals, and syndicate lending operations. As can be expected, these operations were heavily impacted as the global economy screeched to a halt in March 2020.


Corporate banking divisions were among the first to adopt work-from-home practices in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. For these departments, the prospect of telecommuting was the least of their worries. As you can read in this Reuters article from January 2020, corporate banking directors were trying to make sense of everything that had taken place over the last three years.


The global trade war started by United States President Donald Trump in 2018 had created a climate of uncertainty among multinational business enterprises. The U.S. conflict with the Islamic Republic of Iran escalated with attacks, a blockade in the Persian Gulf, and trade sanctions that made global trading difficult. The global recession many economists feared was fully materialized by the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the political instability in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela also weighed heavily on the shoulders of corporate banking directors.


Prospective corporate banking clients have been skittish about taking chances on the unpredictable market, but this has not stopped banking executives from pursuing potential leads. When division employees were directed to work from home in order to minimize contagion, they were instructed to do their best in terms of scouting deals, gathering intelligence, and providing advisory. Executives braced for the worst-case scenario, which would have involved temporary and permanent layoffs, but something completely unexpected took place on Wall Street.


After the Black Monday crash of March 2020, investors around the world were convinced that this was the beginning of the end for financial markets, but trading volumes on Wall Street started picking up steam and quickly erasing losses. This incredible turnaround indicated that investors felt that making risky bets was one way to stave off complete economic collapse; this contributed to companies such as Airbnb deciding not to scuttle their initial public offering in 2020. Underwriting, IPOs, and advisory with regard to mergers and acquisitions are all expected to make a strong comeback from now until 2022, and the initial activity in this regard will be mostly handled by employees working from home.


According to a survey conducted by the eFinancial Careers work portal, employees of major banks such as Citigroup and Deutsche Bank do not expect to return to the office this year; in fact, they believe that they will work from home all through the holiday season, but they also anticipate being busy. For many companies, making deals and taking risks will be their only salvation as the global economy begins to thaw out before 2020 comes to an end, and corporate banking specialists will be there to support them right from their own homes.